Saturday, July 31, 2010

Casen Meets Cale

It was so much fun to see how Casen responded to his new brother. When he walked into the hospital room, Casen was really excited to see a room full of his favorite people...Mommy and Daddy and both sets of grandparents.

We asked Casen where the baby was and he spotted him quickly. He touched the baby and was thankfully very gentle with him.

Cale's present for Casen was an Elmo book. Casen is currently fascinated with Elmo so the book was a big hit!

Casen giving Cale a kiss. I think big brother approves!


angelica said...

These are sweet pictures! Congratulations to your beautiful family and Big Brother Casen!

Mike and Debbie said...

Those are such sweet pictures. I'm glad Casen approves of Cale. I'll bet he'll be a great big brother. Can't wait to love on Cale in the nursery.

Deb said...

Great pictures! Beautiful children, beautiful wife. Congratulations!